Thursday, December 19, 2019

Causes And Consequences Of Poverty - 1756 Words

One in every four kids do not know where their next meal is coming from. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not know where your next meal is coming from or where you’re sleeping at that night? Many people are not aware of how poverty hits them or the effects. Poverty has many causes, types and effects on different people. Although no one understands why, there are different causes and reasons as to why people are in poverty. Poverty is the state or condition of having little or no money or means of support also known as the condition of being poor (Harper). Discrimination- without jobs people can not earn money so they’re poor. Vulnerability to natural disasters- people become refugees in there own country due to floods, tornados, hurricanes and other natural disasters (Williams). Death, crop fails or sudden unemployment. United States exceed urban poverty rates (â€Å"7†). People work low-wage jobs. Households are headed by single-parent, which make s it harder to work. Disappearance of welfare. Problems with race and gender at certain jobs (Edelman). This research shows that even though slavery has been outlawed people still about what color you are when it comes to certain jobs. It is illegal for any business to not hire you because of the way you look, your race or religion. Common issues in low-income families include: depression, chemical dependence and hectic work schedules. Poor kids feel unloved and alone (Jensen). Graduate during the recession, moreShow MoreRelatedPoverty : Causes And Consequences Of Poverty1484 Words   |  6 PagesGREGORY CAN275NBB (CURRENT CANADIAN ISSUES) TITLE: POVERTY IN CANADA DUE APRIL 12, 2017 SECTION A: Cause and Consequences of Poverty: a) Cause of Poverty: When a country is facing a change in its’ trends such as economy, inadequate education, high rate of divorce, overpopulation, epidemic and spreading diseases such as AIDS, climate and environmental issues such as insufficient rainfall, it could be a potential victim of poverty someday. Poverty is becoming so broad across Canada and approximatelyRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of Poverty1452 Words   |  6 PagesCauses of Poverty There are multiple factors that poverty is related to such as having poor health, being involved in crime, and not being able to work (â€Å"Poverty in America,† 2007). Having one or all three of these poverty-causing factors has a snow-ball effect on individuals. 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