Saturday, October 5, 2019

Intorduction to Marketing (Report on The National Trust charity Assignment

Intorduction to Marketing (Report on The National Trust charity - Assignment Example The Targeted Audience 7 Promotion Activities 7 Personal Selling 8 Sales Promotion 8 Public Relations (PR). 9 Direct Mail 9 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions 9 Advertising 9 Sponsorship 10 3.0. Environmental Factors 10 3. 1) Outline what the environmental factors are and explain why marketers in all organisations should monitor these external factors. 10 3.2) Which of these environmental factors might influence your chosen organisation’s (the charity) marketing mix, and in which ways? 11 Competitors 11 Economy 11 Government 11 4.0. Marketing Plan 12 4. 1. Using a current marketing text book, outline (you may use a diagram) what a marketing plan is comprised of, and why it is useful for all companies to use marketing plans. 12 4.0. Conclusion 13 5.0. Bibliography 14 Introduction to Marketing (Report on The National Trust charity) Executive Summary The National Trust Charity is an organization that incorporates both paid staff and volunteers. However, since it is an organization it joins other ordinary organizations in their quest for success. This report is written with regards to different aspects of the report on the National Trust Charity. ... In this regard the introduction will provide both the full time and the volunteers working in this organization. The second part of the report will entail an analysis of the marketing mix. There is a comprehensive outline of the marketing mix of the National Trust Charity that also considers the differences that will apply in an ideal organization. Here, the report will consider the purpose of the charity, target audiences, promotion activities and place. The third part of the report entails the evaluation of the organizational environmental factors with an explanation on the reason as to why marketers in all organizations should monitor the external environmental factors and to determine which of the environmental factors have the capacity to affect the charity marketing mix and the manner of their influence. The last bit of the report will incorporate the elements of a market plan and their importance in any organization before a comprehensive conclusion. 1. Give the name of the or ganisation, state where it is based and an outline of the focus of its activities. Highlight if it has a mission statement. Also, give a brief history of the organisation and a brief overview of the staff that it has. (Full time and volunteers?) 1.0 Introduction The National Trust Charity is an organization that focuses on conservation. The organization is based in England and due to its massive impact, it operate in Northern Ireland and also whales. Since the organization’s intention is to enhance conservation, the organization has geared all its efforts towards the conservation activities. It goes without say that the contemporary issues in conservation are becoming complex and this

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